1. the unlawful compelling of a woman through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
Statutory Rape:
1. Sexual relations with a person who has not reached the statutory age of consent.
A background:
She and I were talking this weekend. Watching some show I think were some girl was taken advantage of by an older man. The father was being shown irate, etc., etc.
My thoughts on the subject:
I would kill, repeat, kill, anyone that ever harmed Her or my daughter in that fashion. It's not a threat. It's not puffing or crazy talk. It's reality. That is possibly the heinous act one sex can commit to the other. It does things mentally and physically that can never be reversed. It takes away so much that cannot be returned. There is not punishment that can delivered worthy of the crime. I am ALL for mandatory sterilization under the right circumstances. And that would be my starting point.
My problems with the subject:
1) Notice the first defintion, "of a woman". Sure there is a secondary definition that comprises both sexes, but, like in society, it is regarded as a crime against women. Bullshit. It can and does happen to both. I know people that it's happened to. But when it's a guy, society doesn't accept it. I call bullshit.
2) Statutory rape REALLY gets me. Have you seen how people dress? How easy is it to get fake IDs? It's a strict liability crime. This means one is liable even without fault. She lied? Oh well. He had a fake ID? Too bad. Bullshit, I say. These laws need to be looked at again. Not sure looking at the "totality of the circumstances" answers anything because it's still a he-said/she-said (where SHE is believed more than HE is), but this just isn't right.
Why I blog about it:
Those poor Duke guys. Holy crap have their lives been ruined and their parents money coffers been emptied over a liar. Their names and lives dragged through the mud. Their every transgression held up for the world to see as if they are some sort of degenerates. A minor intox? Misdemeanors? A bar fight? That's not signs of a rapist or troubled youth, that's called college.
These guys, from all the newest accounts being told, are completely innocent. The propriety of strippers at a college house party for a team aside, they have been presumed guilty since day 1, and some asshole DA looking to get famous and advance his career has consistently mislead, leaked information, and pushed a case forward that is highly questionable at best. And after it's all said and done? These guys will still be ruined. Their names sullied. And that's not fair. RAPE is a very powerful word with very REAL effects on lives, and it shouldn't be used lightly. Unfortunately, it is all the time.
And for those that do commit these crimes? You better hope the victim's dad/brother/husband/etc. isn't like me.