Sunday, November 02, 2008

Issue 5 Ohio

The other night at dinner some people were discussing the various Issues on Ohio's ballot this Tuesday. Particularly, Issue 5 came up. Some were not aware of what Issue 5, while others who did know what the issue was did not know how it was worded and therefore did not know how to vote.

Issue 5: Should check cashing businesses be regulated as to how much interest they can charge?

The facts: The interest rate would be capped at 28%. The interest rate is (rather was before the Bill was passed by legislature) 391% (!!!!). In fifteen states, these types of businesses are illegal.

People against the cap say these businesses are entrepreneurial, and government has no business meddling in their affairs. Further, these businesses provide a service that people use knowing what will be charged. Knowing and appreciating are two different things, mind you.

People for the cap say that these businesses are predatory and that they charge usurious interest rates.

What are my thoughts? Generally, I agree that government needs to mind its own business. In this instance, these places are predators and take advantage of a certain socio-economic class of people. The interest rate cap is still a VERY generous cap in my opinion.

So vote YES on Issue 5 and cap the interest rates!

Visit HERE for a list of the various Issues and some information about them.


Blogger Sarah said...

Thank you much, MD.

I'll be with you YES.

While I think people need to start being responsible for their own choices and their own actions, I do agree that these types of companies are predators and feed off of (espcially in today's economy) despiration.

8:26 AM  
Blogger Nadja said...

Many thanks for this post!

8:35 AM  
Blogger Iris Took said...

Thank you for the PSA. I am totally with you on this. 391%! C'mon...

10:31 AM  
Blogger Mickey D. said...

You are a fine citizen for bringing this issue to light.

What they are doing seems very unreasonable. This now well-informed voter is voting yes.

11:01 AM  
Blogger Ky • said...

I voted yes already!

11:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Vote YES on 5! Protect hardworking Ohio families from the clutches of predatory lenders tomorrow and don’t let the payday lending industry buy this election.

9:06 PM  

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