Monday, June 16, 2008

Unlike Gloria Gaynor...

I was not sure I was going to survive. Holy Birthday Party for the wife! The day after was not a pleasant day for me. After a long week at work, I was ready to get down with my old friend Ketel One. I was NOT ready for the aftermath. At least I was not alone in my misery. My number one man and the wife's number one woman were also in Hurtsville (population 3). My number one man and I still cannot figure out how it happened. We didn't drink that much.... or so we thought.

Nevertheless, the celebration was a success and a ridiculously good time. More fun than a bunch of 30+ year olds, a couple of 29 year olds, and, ahem, one 28 year old should have. And the wife willed herself to no hangover. Bravo to you madam, I tip my cap to you.

Top 3 hangovers all-time. Maybe top two. It does not beat that time in my early 20s when I, for unknown reasons, drank a half bottle of Watermelon Pucker and then washed the other bottle down with half-and-half shots of pucker and vodka. And then drank beer. That sucker lasted two days.


Blogger Sarah said...

Um, Ryan would like you to know (I assume, he really hasn't read this) that he is still 28. For 3 more weeks.

Yes, I was in hurtsville. But I don't solely attribute it to the party - though it was one of the best ever. I add with it: very little sleep, no shower, 4+ hours in the sun shooting a 114 on 18 holes (blech). Oh, and no McD's :)Kidding!

Great planning, sir.

9:17 PM  
Blogger Mickey D. said...

Oh goodness. This was a sight to see. I've never seen you so miserable. Except for the time you had poison ivy in your eye.

But it was totally worth it! What a party!

Thanks again for all of your hard work and planning. I think everyone would agree it was a lot of fun!

3:39 PM  
Blogger Wrestling Kitties said...

Way to go hangover!

So on the topic of hangover, my #1 hangover was on the day I met Terry's mom & dad for the first time - ugh. We went out to eat and lets just say everything I smelled and looked at in the place made me want to vomit.

So what caused said hangover. Well that would be me taking shots of Captain Morgan as well as a few Tequila shots and then chasing (yes CHASING) them with Mikes hard lemonade. feel free to vomit as well, I sure did. I also thought it would be fun to try to mix random liquors together with different juices and see how they tasted. I ended up passing out with my head over the toilet, my hair IN the toilet. I finally made it to the bed around 4am and got up with the spins still at 11am to go have a bowl of soup and crackers and meet T's family. Yeah, talk about a pretty picture :) To this day the thought of Mike's hard lemonade makes me want to vomit!

(oh to be young again)

1:42 PM  

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